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  • Franchising today represents an optimal solution for those who intend to carry out the free profession: it is a growing model also at an international level, which has become an increasingly competitive tool in the economic scenario for promoting products and services through a new standardized formula.
  • When you invest in a franchise, you are supported by a proven business model. When you invest in a well-known franchise, you’re backed by powerful marketing and advertising campaigns that will help you attract customers. When you open a franchise you’re not alone, you can always count on franchisors help when you hit an obstacle. 
  • When you open a franchise you have a support system from the start. The risk involved in a startup business is much more than that of a franchise. The risk factor is considerably much less in the franchise.
  • The Mail Boxes Etc. Franchising projects you into a dynamic sector characterized by a strong potential, such as that of logistics and eCommerce.